Pain-Free Hours and Low-Pain Days are our goal for our
patients in chronic or persistent pain. Dr. Forest Tennant of the
Veract Clinic has developed 9 steps to help long-term pain patients
achieve pain-free hours and low-pain days. The 9 steps are:
1. Pain Relief Medication
2. Ancillary Medications for Insomnia, Anxiety, Fatigue,
Anti-Inflammatory, Topicals
3. Protein- Anti-Inflammatory
4. Essential Nutrients
5. Electricity Elimination
6. Stretching to Prevent Contractures
7. Lymph Drainage
8. Mental Exercises
9. Hormones
Pain Management Pharmacy is here to support you through your 9
steps toward pain-free hours and low pain days. For more
information look at the Veract Clinic online.
For more information on the 9 Steps to a Pain-Free Hour, log
on to the following website: